
Social Media Blasts - Social media blasts for the two weekly winners will run for one week. There will be a total of three social media blasts each week highlighting the two winners.

Corporate Profile Videos - Each month a corporate profile video will be awarded to the top donor (in terms of total donor dollars received for the month). Luminary will contact the winner to schedule the corporate profile video shoot. Luminary will schedule the video shoot as soon as possible with an agreed upon due date by each party.

If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Luminary Productions is pleased to present our Future Builders program. This program is geared toward real estate agents and loan officers to help build their markets while at the same time partnering with Cornerstone Family Ministries (a Luminary Productions partner) to build better futures for kids and families throughout greater Houston.

How this works:

Choose your gift amount per loan/ home sold of ($50, $100, $150 or an amount of your choice) during the program period. Your gift will be donated to Cornerstone Family Ministries (CFM) to help build the futures of families in greater Houston. Each week the top two donors will be recognized via social media blasts from CFM. In addition, at the end of each month the top donor will receive a corporate profile video.

Program Period: Continuous

Weekly Winners:

The top two donors will receive recognition via social media blasts from CFM .

Monthly Winners:

The top donor will receive a corporate profile video.

Be a Part of Future Builders

Don’t miss your chance to promote your business while at the same time impacting families in
need throughout greater Houston. Sign up now!